Almost every night I experience a dream that, when shared with others, is described as strange, or worse. Now I will share them with the world, or whoever stumbles upon this blog. Feel free to analyze the dreams, I usually find the analysis more interesting than the actual dream.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

ER Reunions

Last night I dreamed I was in the ER to check on a friend (someone I went to middle school with). While in the waiting room another man was brought it and he had the exact same name as my friend and was brought it for the exact same problem. I was instantly worried that staff might confuse the two so I immediately went to a nurse and started explaining what I'd witnessed and tried to come up with a way to tell the two apart. To take my mind off of my friend's condition, I went to the mall and walked around a little bit. (This mall is no longer in existence.) I was walking around and noticed a guy in the food court that seemed familiar. I couldn't tell if it really was who I thought it was so I decided to call out his name. (I went to camp with this friend.) I did and he looked at me and after a moment said my name. We both smiled and hugged each other, surprised to see each other after so many years. He was there with his dad so I went over and talked to his father a few moments. I woke up.

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